Wednesday 22 June 2011

No Doctor?

Doctor Who recently came to our screens, featuring the fabulous Matt Smith in an unusual half series. Might I say, I think it was a bloody marvelous half, and I think Steven Moffat outdid himself with the striking story line. 

The last episode, 'A good man goes to war,' left fans teased and unsatisfied, and hungry for the second half of the series, which will be broadcasted by the BBC later this year, September 2011. I, for one, can't wait to see it; mostly because I want to know more about the Silence... but I will be recording the whole series and re-watching. Why? Well, you may or may not have already heard... but apart from the specials, next year, 2012, is going to be Doctorless. *insert amazed gasps and distraught sighs here* I know, heart-breaking, isn't it? Anyway, Danny Cohen spoke at the Church and Media conference today, and said "The tricky thing to explain to your kids - who I'm very glad are fans of it - is that the same man who writes Doctor Who also writes Sherlock, and there's only so many hours a day he can be awake. We're very keen that Sherlock comes back too, and it will be back as another three parts next year, so he needs enough time to get that done and then start work on the next series of Doctor Who.  There will be some episodes but there won't be a full series, so we won't have a thirteen part run ... but you know the man has to sleep, he's got a family! That's the genuine reason, it's about Steven Moffat - who's the creative drive force behind Doctor Who at the moment and he also rather magically at the same time created and got to air Sherlock - we have to get that balance right. There will be episodes, but there won't be as many, and there'll be more episodes again in 2013 - which I think is the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who, so that's a big year. It's a very special programme, it's one of the programmes that we feel is so special that we plan for on Christmas Day." So, I guess that's understandable, right?

If you're still thinking, "HELL NO! I LIVE FOR DOCTOR WHO! I CAN'T WAIT A WHOLE YEAR!" Well, you're not alone... all Doctor lover's are incredibly pissed off to put it frank. But there's not much we can do about it really. 

So, if you really can't go too long without a fix of the Doctor, you might want to set Doctor Who to series record, and re-watch... until you know every last damn line there is to learn. 'Doctor to Danny boy, Doctor to Danny boy, give them hell, Danny boy!'

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