Saturday 6 November 2010

My bitches :]

Teh lufferly bitches. ♥
Yep. That's them. To the right of the screen. Three lufferly bitches. xD I kid my bubba sister. Love her really. Even though she's like... SO annoying sometimes. But I do have two gorgeous doggies... and, just incase you can't figure it out, they are the two on the right. :P Kidding, Caitlyn. Don't get in a strop, lovey. xD And in this incredibly long blog is going to be all about how I came to have these two great lumps sleeping on the end of my bed each night, from having a father who absolutely can't stand dogs and refused to ever have even one in the house. Hooked? Good. ;] Cause you're about to get an explanation.

It started with my brother. My brother whom, no matter what my parents say to him... never listens. Like, ever. It's an admirable trait to have, yes, but can also get the idiot into a lot of bloody trouble; sometimes. Anywho, one colds day around... 3 years ago, at a guess, my dear brother stumbles in with a bundle in a blanket in his arms, takes a seat, and unwraps the smallest, cutest little pup I'd ever seen. The script went a little like this:

Me and Caitlyn; "Awwww!" *run over to see*
Me; "Who's is it?" *strokes* :3
Mitchell; *smugly* "It's ours."
Me; "Really? Mum and dad said we can keep it?!"
Mitchell; "Not yet. Her name is Princess."
Me; "Aw, so cute." :3
Mitchell; "My friend gave her to me. They were giving away their puppies."

And that ended that. I ultimately could not give a shit about where he'd got her, and how he was to convince mum and paps to let us keep her, she was utterly adorable and huggable and snuggable. ♥

Later on, mum came home and Mitchell attempted to convince her... firstly by shoving this adorable little mutt on her lap (right). Be honest now. You might be the most heartless bastard in the entire cosmos, but how the hell could you say that you'd allow putting this adorable little Princess out on the streets? Well, my mum ain't heartless. And, even though he seems it sometimes when he's an utter dickhead, neither is my dad. And I love them both very much. :]

She sorta just... drifted in. Dad wasn't happy, and neither was mum, but mum adored Princess cause she was so adoringly adorable. And dad just got on with it cause that's the way it goes. xD

Mitchell used to take this pup everywhere with him. He loved her, she... well, she did once love her daddy very much so. She had an awesome few years as she grew up into a beautiful staffy... :3
Things were perfectly fine for a long while. Princess was a playful dog, who loved just about everyone she came into contact with. She was very excitable and fun and... well, to be honest, she was exactly how Sox is now. More about Sox soon...
...Turned to Summer...
You can see how playful she was from this picture! She still loves the trampoline... actually bounces on it and everything. xD I'll post a clip one day. It's so funny...

...Turned to Autumn...
Then she was on heat. I believe this was her second time; and my idiot brother still took her round to his friend's house, who owns a dog who still has his balls. The dumbass pair left them together and, what do ya know...
...Turned to Winter.
... Princess is pregnant. Yes, this picture was taken about halfway through her pregnancy actually. She absolutely loved the snow! I threw snowballs at her, she jumped and caught them in her mouth. xD It was well cute.

The weirdest thing about Princess' pregnancy is that when she was in her last 2 or 3 weeks, she wouldn't eat... unless fed from a fork. xD And then she ate more than when she usually did. And she's usually well fussy about her food as well. Strangest thing. And it seemed that her waters never broke... she just went into labour.

A literal day before she went into labour...
And when she did go into labour... well, my brother wasn't here, and I was expected to deliver these pups, and I was shit scared. I was practically in tears: that scared.

But we exentually got a hold on Mitch, and he basically sprinted the whole way home. xD And we waited...

And waited...

And waited some more...

Mitch; "She better not have anything wrong with her or I'll kill Dodger (the dad) for getting her pregnant!"
Me; *massages her pelvis to help her relax*
Mitch; "What the fuck are you doing?"
Me; "It relaxes her and helps her push..."
Me and Mitch; *watch a puddle form on the floor, get excited*

Princess after three pups...
And then the first pup was born. :D Idk about Mitch, but I was well emotional. After around 2 hours, seven puppies were born... all of them; or so we thought.

We all "ooh"ed and "ahh"ed over the pups, cooing and shizz. Even dad turned around and said that he though the second pup born was quite cute actually. xD And that's something... cause you'd never catch dad using the word cute. He said it to mum and told him not to tell us, but she told us anyway. :P

Around 11pm, when everyone was settled and all the puppies were feeding... [pop]. Water and blood all over the living room. Gross. There was another pup coming... I legged it up the stairs to get the nail scissors and some towels, Mitchell scooped up the pup, and in minutes the pup was on a teet, suckling happy on milkies. :3

At first, everyone continued to coo over them... they looked like hamsters or something, and they were just so adorable.

I remember having to save one once. It crawled out of the bed and under the sofa... all we could hear was this loud pitched squeaking. Me, being such an amazing detective, discovered the pup wasn't in the bed, but hidden somewhere... searched and eventually found her. Poor thing was squashed between the sofa and the magazine rack. :[

JackJack ♥
But then they grew... yes, puppies grow fast. Really fast. It's not a myth, they do triple in size in the first 2 weeks. xD They got pretty damn massive. The developed teeth, and their ears became floppy (they were just, like, triangles when they were first born), and they eventually learned how to walk. :3

And then run...

And play...

And cause utter destruction.

And then they discovered the ouside world. Obvious, Sox the Brave went first. They were all shit scared at first, cause it was Spring, and the air was still pretty damn cold. They shivered and stood at the doorstep, looking out at the great world beyond. Then they took their first steps out the door, their first steps to partial freedom... and realised it was safe. And seemed to enjoy it. :D



One and a bit... xD
But this discovery meant one thing... it was time for the pups to fly the nest. An dthe order of the pictures above was intentional, yes. We started with 8... and gradually they got taken in by knew owners. :[ Each puppy leaving was like loosing another friend... I grew way too attatched. Especially to little JackJack. ♥ Hell, do I miss him. I never even got a chance to say goodbye properly... and I'll never see him again cause he went to strangers. :'[

So one by one, they left, until there was 2 left... Sox and mama's little Soldier. :D Soldier had a hernia, but was snatched up by someone who my brother knew cause he was male. The guy paid £50 for him... then paid out £300 for his operation to get his operation to remove the hernia. And you know what he said? He loved the dog so much already, he was willing to pay every last penny. How effin adorable is that?

Sox, the runt of the litter.

She was the smartest of the lot as well. She was the one who first discovered how easy it is to get onto the sofa, how to get out of the pen, and how to destroy the whole living room.

A smart little devil. And a manipulative bitch. xD She has the puppy dog look all sorted, and she can sure as hell make you feel bad for telling her off. She does this snuggly thing and rolls onto her belly and wags her tail... it's adorable, and annoying. Absolutely impossible to stay angry at her for too long. ♥

Anyway, dad had once said we could not, no matter what the circumstances, keep ANY of the puppies. At all. Ever. So how the hell did we end up being able to keep Sox, you ask? Mitch let my uncle take one of the pups for free... in exchange for dad letting us keep Sox. :P Simplez.

And that, my lovelies, is how I have ended up with these two great lumps sleeping at the end of my bed each and every night.

And, to be completely honest..? As much as they keep me up half the night, stealing my cover, barking out the window, and chewing up my socks and shit... I wouldn't have it any other way... ♥

The freak with her tongue in my ear. xD ♥

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