Wednesday 16 January 2013


"A new year, a new start, a new you" - Gok, on the Activia advert.

Hello there! 

So, last time I blogged was Summer 2012, when I'd just received - what seemed like at the time - the best news of my entire life. I'd gotten into my chosen university, UCLan, in Lancashire!

Well, as you can imagine, a lot has changed since then. Here's a short list of things that have happened;

  • I moved out.
  • I left London.
  • I moved in with my aunt in Lancashire.
  • I started a psychology bachelors degree at UCLan [University of Central Lancashire] (and got a 1st in my second presentation!).
  • I met the most awesome people EVER! Like, really, they're the most amazing lot I've ever had the honour to call my friends.
  • I've turned 19 years old.
  • I've been clubbing - like properly clubbing - far too many times.
  • I've had a 24 hour hangover.
  • I've found the people I'll be moving in with in summer 2013.
  • I became an iPhone and iPad owner.
  • I've fallen in love with James Arthur (gahhhhhhhh.........).

That's the last few months in a nutshell. Moving in with my auntie and young cousins has been an experience in itself! Now, thinking about moving out in just a few months, it makes my stomach churn. I'm nervous, yet excited - I guess that's normal? And the people I'm moving in with are amazing anyway, so I'm sure I'll be fine once we're sorted and settled. It's the money that worries me most; I'm a wreckless spender (as you can see by my new gadgets) and so I'm wondering if I'll be able to afford my rent. I guess only time will tell....

Being a student at university wasn't what I expected either. I've done a few assignments already - two labs, one lab report, two presentations and two essays. I've passed every one, with a 2:2 or above, even getting a 1st in my second presentation. This surprised me, as I didn't think we did at all amazing! I ended up planning most of the presentation myself, and we all stumbled while presenting - missing cues, talking too fast, looking in the wrong direction - so I guess we just caught our module tutor in a great mood. I'm guessing what I'm saying is that it's easier than I thought it would be, but I am only in my first year. Most of the content covered is a recap of what I did at A-level, because some people starting the course have never studied psychology before. I'm sailing through, and completely confident I'll make it into next year. Maybe a little too confident, some would say.

I know that, if I carry on typing as things spring to mind, I'm going to end up rambling (like I always do). So, I'm going to cut it short and say arrivederci, until I feel the need to tell the internet what's going on in my life again. I always end up forgetting about my blog, and usually just stick to sharing the minor details on Facebook and Twitter. When I do think of great, inspirational things to talk about, usually while walking to lectures or daydreaming during them, I always forget what I wanted to say by the time I get sat in front of a computer to write it up. I guess I just wasn't made to be an affluent writer! Just a nerd who likes to write about her day-to-day goings on now and then.

I'll finish with some hilarity, so you don't feel like you've wasted your time reading this. If you're in the UK, you would have seen that, in recent news, there's been a huge uproar about traces of horse meat being found in Iceland and Tesco's burgers. Not a nice thing to think about eating, no. But there's been a fair few hilarious pictures and Facebook statuses I've come across taking the biscuit out of the situation. I'll share a few of the best ones.

Purely for your entertainment:

Are you in favour of Horse Meat burgers? Yay or neigh?

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